Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Day 2 Area B (Even better than day 1) 06/16/20

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Oregon and Washington Hang Gliding 
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:


Area B (Fort Steven State Park. Warrenton, Oregon) was on big time yesterday. Travis and l had a blast.  Just as we predicted, the soaring condition was much better than the day before.  Lifts were more widespread and balanced . None of the downwind speeding kind of nerve-wrecking feelings as on Sunday. Travis landed on top a couple of  times.  We climbed over 200 ft at the north side with high steep dunes and completed a lot of ground skimming, hovering , chasing close to each other. Also made several trips to the shipwreck down the south side.  Few paragliders were kiting at the shipwreck area. The windspeed was steady between 15-18 mph with perfect straight in direction all day, no rain in sight but on/ off sunshine and warm temps. We started flying in the morning and decided to call it off around 6:30 pm due to exhaustion. It was still soarable when I left around 7:30pm. Just wished more hangs & bags joined us yesterday. Too much video footage captured, will take some time to sort it out before posting. Stay tuned!

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