Saturday, June 20, 2020

Almost 6 hrs at Dog Mt (glenoma, WA) 06/18 & 06/19 / Flying with Joe Greblo

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Oregon and Washington Hang Gliding 
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:

Dog Mt two days report: 

It was 30+ years ago when my wife and I learned hang gliding from Andy Beem & Joe Greblo.  So, it was a really special moment to be able to once again fly with Joe and his wife Kristen in the last couple of days at Dog Mt.  Both days turned out great for everyone who showed up to fly (19 pilots on Thursday & 16 on Friday). I flew for 3 hours on Thursday and 2.5 hrs yesterday (both days launched around 5 pm). Video and photos can be viewed from links below: 

The thermal was better on Thursday, with gusty launch conditions and the wind switched from west to north around 6 pm turning even more east towards the end of the day. Max altitude reached 4,400 ft MSL (2.500 above launch). I got up high on the east side of the radio towers after 7 pm and was barely able to view Randle Kiona Airpark from miles away. Some pilots landed north direction while I landed in the almost opposite east direction around 8PM on Thursday. The winds on Friday remained West for the rest of the day.  It was a bit gusty and cross from the South at launch earlier, but overall great conditions for all levels of pilots. Max altitude reached was 3,400 ft MSL (1,500 above launch) on Friday.  It was very fun going to The Cliff with Travis and Robin yesterday. 

I haven't decided where to fly next. Still feeling a bit stiff from dune gooning at Area B plus the additional flights from Dog. I will rest up this weekend and if I feel better will probably head to Dog or Bingen.

Day 2